
16 November 2011

I'm thankful for many things!!!

As I begin this blog, I have to say, I'm sorry!  I've neglected my blog! If I haven't posted your pics, I apologize. The month of October was insanely busy....Kory (my hubby) was gone for 2 weeks, I had 1 wedding and 22 sessions!  I have 2 babies, who are forever Momma's girls! Oh yeah...I work almost fulltime as a nurse which requires 12 hours shifts (nights included...which makes me grumbly)!  I've spent many late nights (not in the ICU) at my computer working on photos!  So with all this said....I'm thankful to all my great clients for understanding!  I love the personal thank you's I've received, it means alot!  I do this as a hobby and to make my heart happy, so if you are happy I hope you share! 

Here is my list of Thanks!
- My supportive Husband (blahh, he would so laugh if he new I wrote this)
- My beautiful strawberry-blonde almost 4 yr old, who steals my heart everyday
- My baby, who's not a baby anymore, but loves snuggles, hates the cold, and reminds me of me
- My crazy whining dog, who goes for a run with me
- My sister, who helps, and for letting me experience her great miracle
- My Mom and Dad...of course
- My sis-in-law for being such a great teacher and provider when I'm not there
- For all my great clients

Now on to a few pictures from October that I adore!


27 October 2011

October Mini Sessions

I did mini sessions on Sunday!  It was sunny, then poured, then sunny again.  It turned out beautiful even with the rain. I got all the sessions in and met some great people and caught up with others.  Thanks everyone for coming out. Just a quick preview for each of you!

Family #1

Family # 2

Family # 3

Family # 4

Family # 5

3yr old Jack! (#6)

Family # 7

A Girlfriends Session (#8)

21 October 2011

M + B Engagement Session!

     I Meet up with Becky and Matt at my farm on the Ridge.  It was a VERY windy day, but we managed and they were so go with the flow! Becky's little boy tagged along as well, so we got a few of family pictures.  I enjoyed photographing them and I know their wedding is going to be fun next September!  Congrats!

20 October 2011

The Hagen Family!

Here is the Hagen family!  We caught the only 2 hours it didn't rain on this day.  It started to rain again as we were getting done. I enjoyed this session and the kids are soo cute.  I loved the colors that turned out in these pictures.  I wanted to post more but my my blog has been acting funny, so here is what uploaded.


Sparta, WI