
31 July 2011

Newborn Ava!!

I know Mommy is waiting patiently for this post!  I went to Rochester last Monday to take pictures of Newborn (10 days) old Ava!!  According to Mom, she was the fussiest she has been, when I showed up!  Go figure, but that didn't last long!  She coined me the "Baby Whisperer!"  Haaa!  Wish I knew how to whisper my own kiddos to sleep!  Anyways, on the the pictures!  Enjoy and It was great seeing you!  Hugs to my great friend!!

15 July 2011

1 year old Emma!

 This session finally happened after lots of facebook and phone tag!  I'm glad it did because I was able to see and old co-worker and her now 1 year old baby! 

-Thanks Melissa

10 July 2011

Balloons, Lollipops, and perfect lighting!

I enjoyed these photos soooo much!  The kiddos are sooo cute and the lighting was perfect.  I can't express enough, how lighting can change a photo.  Here are too cute kiddos who had lots of fun and got a treat in the end!! 

06 July 2011

Newborn Baby Ruby!

I couldn't wait to get to these pics. My 1st girl newborn. Gotta love baby girls (seeing I'm a little partial, since that's what I have)!  Here is baby Ruby and her adorable siblings!

05 July 2011

Family Fun!

So I'm behind on blogging, this is a session from last Sunday!  Short on words today, so i'll just so you pictures! 



Sparta, WI